Did you know that the average adult human body is 65% water? Is It Safe to Drink Tap Water in the U.S.?
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Dr. Delvin DeBoer, Ph.D., PE, Special Projects Engineer at Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S), delivers a Primer Course on Surface Water Treatment. Recorded in April 2014 at
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This is an age-old question: is tap water okay to drink? In countries like the U.S., you may not think twice about grabbing water straight from the tap and gulping it down. However, in light of traged
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How to clean rather transform sewage water into drinking and second use ...natural process.
Natural Health Expert Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses the different types of water sources in your home and why filters are so essential. His approved water filtration products are available from Dr. Me
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Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms, giving you a much deeper insight into the cause-effect relationship of your body issues. It's free and very enlightening. Lemo
Imagine you are busy with eating a better diet and trying your best to optimize your health, when all the while an invisible slow poison is disrupting your hormones and increasing your chances of canc
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How bottle water came to be so popular. The Story of Bottled Water.
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How to Get Enough Water. Some specialists encourage you to drink no fewer than 8 glasses (or half a gallon) of water a day, and others are sure that you need to drink constantly and as much as your bo
CamelBak Hydration Advisor Doug Casa, professor at the Korey Stringer Institute, discusses caffeine and its effect on hydration.
Did you know that chlorine does not sanitize until the oxidant demand has been destroyed? According to (http://dnr.wi.gov/regulations/labcert...), that's one of the fundamental pieces in the science o
Dangerous levels of lead in drinking water
Many Canadian cities are falling short of testing drinking water for all possible harmful contaminants.
Residents in Brady, Texas are boiling water and turning off tap water after their water was found to have radium levels that violate the EPA's maximum allowable levels.
More than half of Americans could be drinking tap water tainted with a radioactive element. A new report from the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds more than 170 million people are exp
At the turn of the 20th century, people didn't know or understand the dangers of radioactive decay. To them, radioactivity was a new, exotic material that some of the world's leading scientists were h
When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure, so it's important to know and avoid some harmful everyday habits. Can drinking water when you eat actually do you any harm, or is it just a hea
Water Research Foundation Webcast 2009. This webcast presents findings from the Water Research Foundation project "Strategies for Controlling and Mitigating Algal Growth within Water Treatment Plants"
It looks good. It tastes OK, but is your drinking water safe for everyone to drink? Dangerous levels of harmful bacteria and viruses in drinking water cannot always be detected by sight, smell or tas
Have you ever wanted to have inside knowledge before you invest? What if you knew what the pros know, couldn't you make a better investment decision? Sure you could! We're sharing the secrets t
My heartfelt gratitude to all of you for showering me with so much love. Its so nice to know that you all are loving the content on my blog and channel. Today I am going to talk about something that a
Dr. Berg talks about alkaline water. The problem is, in nature water does come in an alkaline state because of the minerals. When you artificially make water alkaline, you split apart the water molecu
Dr. Berg goes through the 5 lies about drinking more water. It is one of those "everyone knows", so drink when you are thirsty. Hyponatremia is a condition whereby you can get really sick by drinking
In this video, Dr. Berg talks about drinking excess water will do more harm than good. It has been found that there is more damage from overhydration than dehydration. There is very little research th
I got a question the other day from Tim asking "how much water do I need daily? One "expert" says 8-10 glasses and another expert says "drink only when thirsty" - what should I do?" So this is a very
Water is one of a few substances we need to survive. It's a critical building block of life, so important that it is helping NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and other space-related teams determ
Would you believe that cold water is heavier than hot water? Or that hot water can actually freeze faster than cold water under certain circumstances? The world is a crazy place. Website: http://list2
The Fluoride Deception shows that fluoride pollution was one of the biggest legal worries facing additional key U.S. industrial sectors during the Cold War. And the book documents how a hitherto-secre
A woman participated in a competition to drink as much water as possible. What happened to her?It's very difficult to consume too much water by accident, yet there have been reported cases of deaths d
Hector Pino invented FreshWater, a machine that can pull moisture out of the air, filter it and turn it into pure drinking water with the press of a button.
Taking cold showers provides surprising health benefits, from burning fat to depression relief. In this video you will learn why you should turn your shower handles to cold, and take advantage of a to
When you drink cold water, your blood vessels shrink, and this restricts your digestion. Warm water helps break down food, aids constipation, and even helps you lose weight while improving your blood
For most everyone around the world, turning on your tap and getting fresh clean water is just a way of life. While this might seem to be a simple fact of modern civilization, it's a relatively new inn
Potable water supply and treatment
Everyday we treat 1.7 billion litres of water for use in homes and businesses throughout Ireland. Find out what it takes to do this and the process involved. View our Irish Sign Language and Irish ver
I'm putting my health on the line to prove a simple and effective survival hack, for getting clean drinking water.
While I'm normally a physics guy, got to give the chemists out there props on this one. Also props to Bill and Melinda Gates for partnering with me on this video. Check out their 2019 annual letter h
Culligan US-3UF Ultra Filtration Under Sink Water 3Stage Drink WTR System. APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System Brondell RO Circle Water Saving Reverse Osmosi
Clean, fresh, pure drinking water is what every family wants in their home. The problem people run into is past conditioning telling them tap water is pure or that their refrigerator water filter is g
Enoch Cree Nation sits on the edge of Edmonton, but the community hasn't had consistent clean water for 25 years. Marcus Morin grew up used to boil-water advisories but helped build the new treatment
Explore some properties of water with the Amoeba Sisters! It's all about those hydrogen bonds. Video has handout: http://www.amoebasisters.com/handouts Terms discussed include adhesion, cohesion, sur
Water molecules pulling apart the ions (sodium and chloride) in a salt crystal, and then dissolving the salt. (Animation).
Listen to Hach experts as they explain the chlorination and chloramination curve.
Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink". So go the words of the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which, though written in 1798, remain frustratingly true to this day. All across the Unit
Buying a bottle of water every time you're thirsty can get pretty expensive. As well as draining your bank account, this method of obtaining water can have long-lasting effects on the environment, as
Presentation of NOM recovery during treatment of effluent brine arising from ion exchange by Elisabeth Vaudevire of PWNT. (Video source: TU Delft, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
A presentation of the combination of ion exchange and coagulation for removal of Natural Organic Matter by Klaas Schoutteten from De Watergroep/KWR/Ghent University. (Video source: TU Delft, Delft Uni
Presentation of Characterisation of Natural Organic Matter by Junias Adusei Gyamfi from Université de Lille, project partner in the joint DOC2C's Interreg 2 Seas Programme. (Source video: TU D
Natural Organic Matter in drinking water treatment, by Irene Caltran,, Delft University of Technology (Source: Delft University of Technology)
TU Delft - Introduction to Drinking Water Treatment
In this video, Marcus (new Water Nerd!) answers 5 of the most frequently asked questions we get about disinfection byproducts, or DBPs, in drinking water. Like and subscribe for more info like this an
Endocrine Disruptors In A Minute | Water Nerd TV
Give us a minute to give you a minute on what to do when you discover chalky residue on your stainless steel cookware. Watch the entire video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um_jd... Water Nerd
If you're in the market for a salt-free water softener, unfortunately, you are out of luck. A salt-free water softener does not exist. The ion exchange process used by water softeners doesn't work wit
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is an advanced water purification process used in RO plants to remove impurities, contaminants, and dissolved salts from water. The process works by forcing water through a semi-p
There's a limit to the amount of plastic waste and throwaway containers the world's landfills or oceans can handle, so a reusable alternative like the Lifestraw Go 2-Stage Sport Bottle is an eco-consc
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0.1 micron water filter removes harmful organisms like bacteria 99.9999% and protozoa like Giardia & Cryptosporidium 99.9%, surpassing EPA standards Collapsible 0.6L hydrapak soft bottle flask pac
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Aquagear Water Filter Pitcher - Removes Fluoride & Lead - 150 Gallon Filter Aqua Gear Filter - Clear
The long-lasting components of the Apec Top Tier can eliminate up to 99% of contaminants passing through your pipes whenever the tap is running. It's designed to fit under most sinks, and comes with a
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In this video, Dr. Aly Cohen, founder of The Smart Human, discusses how to make our drinking water safer. Since so many water contaminants are not removed from water treatment cleaning processes, Dr.
WILD Reviews: Sawyer v Katadyn BeFree v MSR Trailshot Ultralight Water Filters
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Although the polished steel housing wouldn't seem out of place at an elegant soiree, classic good looks aren't the only thing going for the Berkey System of interchangeable carbon and ceramic cylinder
Too much of the world lacks access to clean drinking water. Engineer Michael Pritchard did something about it -- inventing the portable Lifesaver filter, which can make the most revolting water drinka
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There is nothing more important for the body than water. If people simply drank enough water and kept their bodies sufficiently hydrated, 60% to 80% of the chronic disease we find today would be ser
Drinking water is vital for a healthy body and a glowing complexion. But when you're supposed to drink eight 3-4 litres every day, plain water can get boring. Adding certain ingredients to your water
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From the production plant to consumers taps, drinking-water distribution and its hypervision management explained in 2'30''. "How and why, at a glance": What Veolia does. A video collection designed t
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Is 'water intoxication' a real thing? Also known as water poisoning, water intoxication is the disruption of brain function due to drinking too much water. Clean Drinking water for home. Drinking a lo
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How important is maintaining the acidity in your body? Dr. Berg explains what PH Level means in your body and how to keep it at a healthy level. You may not know this but, there are various mechanisms
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Alkaline water truth exposed. Don't drink alkaline water until you watch this. Learn the truth behind the big alkaline hype and learn why acids are not bad. In fact, we could not live without acids. W
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Alkaline lemon water is so important for or daily lives. Watch this video and learn how to make some at home for yourselves!
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Recommended Intake: While the amount of water you should drink every day can vary depending on age and activity levels, the Institute of Medicine recommends men aim for 125 ounces a day and, women aim
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Tap water does not enjoy good press but using it can save a lot of money and a lot of plastic. So, wherever you live, we're helping you make your tap water great again on the To-Do List. THE LIST is t
Water is essentially everywhere in our world, and the average human is composed of between 55 and 60% water. So what role does water play in our bodies, and how much do we actually need to drink to st
We've all heard that the human body is primarily composed of water and that we need to consume a certain amount in order to survive. Your muscles and kidneys are composed of 73% water; your blood is c
Chlorine is used to keep our water clean by disinfecting it and killing germs. And it does a marvelous job at eliminating most pathogens from the water we drink. But the use of this powerful chemical
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Drink Warm/hot Water on an Empty Stomach Every Morning Things Will Happen To Your Body. Hot water Comes with endless health benefits You might be used to drinking a cup of coffee or tea to wake you up
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In this video I discuss the major functions of water in the body. I also discuss how water is a lubricant, and how water is a nutrient. I cover the fact that sweat is water, and that water is essent
Dr. Don Colbert shares the amazing benefits of high alkalinized water and how it has the ability to transform your health.
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Sadhguru reveals yogic wisdom on the best way to keep and consume water so that it responds best in your system and enhances your health and wellbeing. Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spirit
In my video "5 easy ways to lose weight" I asked you if I should make a video on the amazing benefits of drinking water. You responded with yes. Water is and probably always will be the best drink for
I believe water is one of the most important nutrients in the world. I mean, it has to be because without it, you'd die in 2-3 days. Unfortunately, most people don't drink enough and when they do, the
How to Alkalize Your Water at Home | Increase pH Level in Water (Easy - Healthy - Inexpensive)
Clean Drinking Water for Home. Here are a few reasons you should add a bit of lemon juice to your morning water: 13 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning. Clean Drinking Water 1. Lemon can ac
How much water should you be drinking a day? You should be drinking about 25%-50% of your body weight in ounces daily. It's actually not about how much water you are getting but staying hydrated. Wate
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If you've ever worked for awhile in the beating sun, you might know what it feels like to be dehydrated. What's going on inside your body? How Much Water Do People Drink?http://www.theatlantic.com/hea
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We all know that water is essential to our daily lives. It helps us to feel good, look good and helps our body to function properly. Research has shown that water helps to rid your body of toxins, kee
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Benefits of Clean, Soft and Pure Drinking water
Did you know that the average adult human body is 65% water?The brain is made up of about 70% water, blood is 83% water, liver is 86% water, and the lungs, closer to 90%! This means that the quality o
Being dehydrated can have negative effects on your body and brain. In this video, we will show you 6 benefits of drinking plenty of water. Whenever you walk through the grocery store you see a number
How to Prepare Flat Tummy Water. Lose inches in a week?In this video I show you how to prepare flat tummy water.This weight loss recipe will not only help you get hydrated, but it will help you flush
This week we will be exploring the significance of hydration on our brain health. To know if you are hydrated or not, just check the color of your urine! It should be light yellow. Water is the ultima
This video will help you discover signals your body sends, indicating that you need to drink more water. Watch this now, or visit Mercola.com for more information.
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New Delhi, Mar 19 (ANI): Pregnant women drinking water from plastic bottles may affect child's brain, according to a recent study.
Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms, giving you a much deeper insight into the cause-effect relationship of your body issues. It's free and very enlightening. Dr.B
Ah, the humble lemon. We at Bright Side are big fans of this little yellow fruit - so unassuming, yet with so many unexpected uses. Not long ago we reported on what happened when we drank water with w
Drinking Water Can Make You Burn More CaloriesMost of the studies listed below looked at the effect of drinking one, 0.5 liter (17 oz) serving of water. Drinking water increases the amount of calories
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We all know that water is one of the most essential components in life. We've also learned over the years that it matters whether you're drinking clean water or contaminated water. Despite our techno
A Little Bit Better offers simple tips that can add up to affect your life in big ways. Nationally recognized nutrition expert and author Keri Glassman is the founder and president of Keri Glassman, N
How much water should you drink each day? Studies have shown that your individual water needs depend upon many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live. No single formula
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Water is the main component of the human body. In fact, the body is composed of between 55 and 78 percent water, depending on body size Drinking moderate amount of water in summer carries several heal
Clean drinking water are you drinking enough? How much should you be drinking?
Clean Drinking Water Can Make You Burn More Calories Most of the studies listed below looked at the effect of drinking one, 0.5 liter (17 oz) serving of water. Drinking water increases the amount of c
Today we're going to be talking about how to drink water to lose weight, the scientific benefits of drinking more water, and how much you should be drinking. BPA FREE water bottle (affiliate link): ht
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While cabbage-water may sound like a very unusual beverage to consume, surprisingly, it may be one of the best things you can do for your body. This true "superfood" is known as such thanks to its inc
What's The Deal With Alkaline Water?
Have you ever thought what will actually happen if you drink water as your sole liquid source? Things like stomach pains, heart issues, body fat, skin disorders and many other health problems might be
I believe water is one of the most important "nutrients" for your health. In fact, there are 3 main things you need to live and survive Oxygen - without it, you'd die in a couple of minutesWater - wit
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Alkaline water is a new kind of designer water hitting the shelves. Marketed as a less-acidic alternative to regular water, it's claimed to have a number of health benefits. But does alkaline water me
Drinking Water Health Tips In Telugu || Shree Media Health || Telugu Health Tips
There are supposed to be numerous health benefits of drinking water. Unfortunately, through the modern processes of removing water pollutants and contaminants, the beneficial minerals are lost too. Wa
That's the Boy Scout motto and it's a pretty good life rule to follow. Especially if you're considering how to be prepared for dangerous or disastrous situations. Since one of the essentials in life i
Need to drink enough clean drinking water to aid your body. All the Signs That You're Not Drinking Enough Water
The system that'll give you pure water straight from your shower head.
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GMA" co-anchor Robin Roberts and ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton share their reasons for committing to drinking more water in February.
In this video I discuss drinking water for energy. I also discuss other health benefits of drinking water. Most people go around chronically dehydrated. The main problem is that they don't drink enoug
Natural health expert and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews George Newman on how extended water fasting has helped improved his atrial fibrillation and why it can be an efficient strat
Water is a precious, yet finite resource essential for life, with no adequate substitute. Supplying and allocating water of adequate quality and in sufficient quantity is one of the major challenges f
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The water scarcity on the blue planet. Most of us don't even think about water. In order to get it - we just turn on the tap. But for nearly 1 billion people in developing countries, getting access t
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Hey! In this video I go through 8 things that you can do to start drinking more water every day. I used to drink barely any water and now I drink around 2L a day - which is just about the right amoun
We all know the health benefits of drinking more water but admittedly, a lot of us just don't like the taste of tap water. Say goodbye to bland, tasteless water and hello to a new healthier you!  
A CBC Marketplace investigation found that many Canadian bottled water brands contain microplastics. Those microplastics can enter a human's bloodstream and stay there, however the potential impact on
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LOS ANGELES - Plastic has not only been polluting the seas and oceans, but also most of the world's tap water, according to a new study. According to an investigation by Orb Media, scientists tested w
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Ever wonder what's lurking in your bottled water? Marketplace asked a lab to test five of the top-selling brands of bottled water in Canada, and microplastics were found in all of them.
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CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta follows residents in Martin County, Kentucky, as they urge President Donald Trump to take the clean water issue seriously a part of his touted infrastructure plan.
AJ+'s Dena Takruri returns to Flint for the 4-year anniversary of the water crisis. Officials here say the water is safe, but residents still don't trust them. And since the state of Michigan stopped
Cape Town could soon become the world's first major urban area to run out of water. The South African city has been suffering from a drought for more than two years, and the situation is now critical.
During last year's federal election, Justin Trudeau promised to eliminate boil-water advisories on First Nation reserves within five years. The Agenda welcomes Barry Strachan, public works manager, Ke
Russian scientists develop alternative to chlorine disinfection; Utility exchange program winners announced; 3M settles water pollution lawsuit with Minnesota; California mulls permanent water restric
The perception of bottled water being clean and pure is being challenged by a global investigation that found the water tested is often contaminated with tiny particles of plastic.
With all its snow, you might think that Canada's West Coast would be immune from a water crisis - but there's a very real chance it could happen due to climate change. Alberta's Rockies had record sno
Tensions are high between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan, as they fight over their share of Nile water. The source of the issue is an Ethiopian mega-dam project due to be completed this year, which could t
Many rural communities in Mexico struggle for basic necessities, especially clean drinking water. One engineer is trying to change that. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports on how one man's inven
Our #waternerds have developed a timeline as today marks one year since the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality began it's investigation of the contaminant Gen X. Water Nerd TV by Hydro
Dry lime leak sends two water plant employees to hospital; EPA announces WIFIA funding opportunity; Mich. ends Flint oversight; Drinking water infrastructure needs $472B investment
Having enough clean drinking water has been a challenge in many parts of the world, whether it is a place where water is scarce or abundant. The U.S. Department of Energy has just announced it is prov
EPA proposes rule to amend coal ash disposal regs; New research could help predict toxic algal blooms; Tyson Poultry fined $2M for Clean Water Act violations; Researchers develop super-strong permeabl
Cape Town isn't the only city facing a water crisis - in fact many around the world have been trying to find ways to conserve the invaluable resource; that led CBC News to ask: Is there a best solutio
Mona Hanna-Attisha, pediatrician in Flint, Michigan and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Michigan State University, joins David to talk about how she exposed the dangerous levels of lead in Flint'
If you had to filter water in order to survive, what are the things you need to be aware of and how would you do it? We'll discuss the basics of water purification and some affordable portable water
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In this lecture about drinking water chemistry Doris van Halem will introduce you to the most important parameters for drinking water chemistry. If you have a background in chemical engineering, this
Learn about Chlorine Demand in this excerpt from our Distribution System Exam prep course. We deal with 10 lb/day of chlorine, added to a flow of 300 gpm, with a chlorine residual of 1.5 mg/L. Using t
This video will cover information that you need to know about pH, Alkalinity, and Hardness, for your Water Treatment or Water Distribution exam. Also covered are acids and bases, calcium carbonate sa
Flocculation and coagulation treatment chemicals are used in effluent water treatment processes for solids removal, water clarification, lime softening, sludge thickening, and solids dewatering. Coagu
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How does reverse osmosis work? This video demonstrates the process used to remove salt and other substances from sea water at teh Adelaide DesalinationPlant.
Welcome to the lecture about Disinfection. In the video below professor Luuk Rietveld will explain you the theory and different forms of disinfection.
An overview of disinfection, complete with example problems, as typically delivered in Clemson's EES 3030 Water Treatment Systems course in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Scienc
This video will discuss breakpoint chlorination in detail explaining combined residual, free residual, total residual, and chlorine demand. Also dicussed will be how you may actually see questions re
Water Treatment Plant - City of Saskatoon
Learn about Coagulant Feed Equioment and Flash Mixing in this excerpt from our Water Treatment
Learn about Flocculation Process Operation in this excerpt from our Water Treatment Exam Review course.
tart of transcript. Skip to the end. Wherever you get your drinking water from, the tap,a bottle or a source; your water will not just contain pure H2O. But what is in your water?And, more importantly
Learn the basics about hard and soft water, the differences between these and where to find examples in everyday life. This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons Licens
Learn about Coagulant Feed Equioment and Flash Mixing in this excerpt from our Water Treatment Exam Review.
When you think of public infrastructure, you probably think of roads, bridges, and possibly, water towers. These often massive structures are a staple of 21st-century urban planning, they're all aroun
Welcome to the second lecture of the module drinking water. In the video below proffesor Luuk Rietveld will explain how to design a drinking water treatment plant.
In this Part 1 of 2, we cover the subjects of specific capacity and detention time, and talk briefly about minutes to hours conversions.
This is the solution to a typical flow rate problem, found on state certification exams. It is also an important calculation for water treatment, distribution system and wastewater treatment operators
In this video, we use the breakpoint curve to show how chloramines are formed, how chloramines and chlorine interact to form dichloramines and trichloramines, and why mixing chloraminated and chlorina
Zeta potential is the charge that develops at the interface between a solid surface and its liquid medium. This potential, which is measured in MilliVolts, may arise by any of several mechanisms. Amon
Learn about Coagulation Chemistry Basics in this excerpt from our Water Treatment Exam Review course.
Learn about Fire Hydrant Parts and Classification in this excerpt from our Fire Hydrants and Valves Lecture from our Distribution Exam Review course.
An explanation of the Colilert method of "Presence / Absence" and "Most Probable Number" testing for coliform bacteria and e-coli bacteria.
Learn about Calculating Chemical Dose for Chlorine Tablets.
How to Calculate Organic Loading into a Pond
Learn about Distribution System Backflow Prevention in this excerpt from our Distribution Exam Review course.
Operators at drinking water and wastewater treatment plants provide one of the most valuable services to Americans. Operators work in vital jobs that we can't do without. They keep us supplied with a
Learn about Water Rights in this excerpt from the Source Water Lesson in our Water Treatment Exam Review.
Learn how to calculate detention time. For water and wastewater operators. If you're preparing for the water treatment operator certification exam, check out this book on Practice Exams: http://amzn
Learn about Cross Connection Control in this excerpt from our Distribution System Exam Review course.
Lake County Department of Utilities Short video on the water treatment process.
There are six common mistakes many people make over and over that stop them from passing the state water treatment or distribution exam. I want cover those in detail here so you can avoid them.
In the United States alone corrosion costs us more than a billion dollars a year. Copper corrosion in the household plumbing systems can cost many hundreds of dollars per year. Aside from causing the
Learn about Pipe Joints in the excerpt from our Distribution System Exam review. This videos is an overview of different types of joints for different types of pipe material and their uses, including:
This video contains sample clips from the DVD "The Water Math DVD that you've been looking for".
This video contains samples from my Advanced Water Math DVD Course, "The Other Water Math DVD that you've been looking for".
For people new to any lab work, this video is meant to show you how to perform a basic test for pH and alkalinity.
Learn about Valve Modes of Operation in this excerpt from our Distribution System Exam Review.
Learn the Basics of Alternating Current Motors in this excerpt from the Pumps and Motors lecture from our Distribution Exam Prep Course
Excessive levels of iron and manganese are very common water problems in many U.S. homes. Unlike certain health related contaminants that are typically unseen, these contaminants exhibit undesirable v
Bio: Gregory Gibbert has been working in the water conditioning field for five years with Hague Quality Water. His main expertise has been in sales for Hague Quality Water of Ventura, California.Film
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This video is for home or apartment dwellers who have a lead testing kit from a laboratory. It shows the steps to taking a first draw sample and a flush sample.
It is a common misconception within the natural health community that you can alkalize your body to prevent illness and disease. Check out this episode to learn the truth behind this claim.
While most people talk about chlorine in tap water, lots of municipalities use an alternative disinfectant called chloramine. This video goes over the advantages and disadvantages of both disinfectant
Marketing terms in the alkaline community can be confusing. In this episode, we break down the simplest of terms regarding alkaline water, so that we can dive in deeper in later episodes. Learn how to
With alkaline water becoming more and more popular, and many people buying pH drops to test their water, it is important that we learn just what exactly pH really is! And here's a hint...it's more tha
A recent study found radium contaminates in every state's drinking water including our drinking water here in Arizona. So, in to tell us how we can protect ourselves and get great tasting, healthier d
"Cancer cannot survive in an Alkaline Environment" - This is a bold claim attributed to Otto Warburg and used in many marketing materials. In this episode, we break down if the claims attributed to Wa
Culligan Explains: Coliform and E. coli
Breaking news from Water Nerd TV: The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) just released a draft toxicological profile for Perfluoroalkyl Substances such as PFOA and PFOS. This cat
Dangerous drinking water: Council demands EPA answers after KPRC 2 investigation
How do we get the best, cleanest drinking water for everyone? This might seem like a big of an abstract thought - but it's important to think about in the big picture. Is it watershed full of grass, o
Water Nerd TV's inbox has been overflowing with questions about chromium 6 in tap water, so we put together a quick video that answers some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have addition
The reaction of chlorine and organics in water forms byproducts that reduce the ability of most filters to remove impurities such as lead. Learn more and see how Selecto filters are different!
Learn how LuminUltra's 2nd Generation ATP test methods and software can help you manage and prevent microbiological threats in your drinking water system.
Water Nerd TV by Hydroviv is your source for credible information on water quality. Whether it's debunking scams, explaining water filtration technology, or assessing your city's water quality, Water
Micro pollutants referring to drug compounds from human consumption and release into sanitary pipes also such compounds can originate from waste effluent of drug manufacturing companies. Treatment of
Biofilms can cause a wide range of problems in building water systems, including cooling towers, decorative fountains, and domestic water. Problems include corrosion, fouling, reduced heat transfer,
Canadian Water Quality - Water Awareness Video
pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs of less than 7 indicate acidity, whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates a base. pH is really a mea
Runoff from farmlands can carry nutrients, insecticides and sediment that impact source water for downstream communities. That's why the American Water Works Association (AWWA) is urging U.S. Congress
Fluoride is a toxic substance that can harm your health in many ways -- be it from the water you drink or from the toothpaste you use. Discover more about fluoride by watching this video from Mercola.
Water is generally considered the one item we cannot live without. That being said, however, it is also one of the most toxic and dangerous substances on the planet, in terms of diseases and contamina
Phoenix, Arizona just released their annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) with the most up to date information on its' water quality. Our #waternerds took the liberty of digging through it so you d
This week the EPA finally came clean about finding PFAS in our drinking water. Watch to learn more.
In 2011 Oasen started to use rapid, biological iron removal in dry filters at purification station Lekkerkerk. This was the first time a drinking water company in the Netherlands used this technique.
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Why is alum added to water? Because water does not like to be alone. It wants somebody's company.No. Alum is added to purify water. Alum is aluminium sulfate.It acts as a coagulant. A coagulant attrac
A coagulant aid is a chemical or material, which is not a coagulant, used to assist or modify coagulation. Coagulant aids add density to slow-settling flocs and add toughness to the flocs so that they
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One of the main missions of Veolia is to distribute Clean drinking water of impeccable quality. The Group designs suitable water treatment solutions, provides traceability and deploys tools for proper
A fulll breakdown of the entire well drilling process from start to finish.
3D animation that illustrates the municipal water treatment process. I completed this project for my graphic design undergraduate program at Iowa State University during the spring of 2012. I did the
The method by which clean water get to your home. How clean drinking water get to your home - The Water Treatment Process.
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This video provides step by step instructions on how to properly disinfect a well using a method called partial chlorination.
Learn about Coagulation Process Operation and Jar Testing in this excerpt from our Water Treatment Exam Review course.
Sedimentation is a physical water treatment process using gravity to remove suspended solids from water. Solid particles entrained by the turbulence of moving water may be removed naturally by sedimen
Purifying water is essential in making it drinkable. Water needs to be purified to eliminate parasites that cause amoebic dysentery and Giardia. There are several different methods used to purify wate
Decentralized Water Supply System
Best Documentary Ever The City Water Treatment: City Water Documentary - Documentary Films
Clean, safe water is vital for every day life. Water is essential for health, hygiene and the productivity of our community. The water treatment process may vary slightly at different locations, depen
Water chlorination is the process of adding the element chlorine to water as a method of water purification to make it fit for human consumption as drinking water. Water that has been treated with chl
Fluoride might be recommended by conventional health experts, but it's not what it's cut out to be. Join Mercola.com and the Fluoride Awareness Network (FAN) in celebrating this year's Fluoride Awaren
The basics of nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment systems. Focusing on biological nitrification and denitrification. This applies to most all biological reactors, but the video focuses on the C
Game-changing research for game-changing policies. When a challenging global issue-like water-is ripe for transformation through creative policies and innovative approaches, IISD's evidence-based expe
Why does eating salty food make you thirsty, sometimes hours after you've eaten it? How long can you live on corn chips? A Moment of Science is a production of Indiana Public Media, in cooperation wit
If we want to use soap with water, it should ideally be with soft water. This video explains how Hard Water can be turned into Soft Water. At Fuse School, teachers and animators come together to make
400 billion gallons of water are used per day in the United States alone, and some of it's uses are surprising... US Water Systems presents some amazing water facts that will probably surprise you. ht
Ooho' by Skipping Rocks Lab is an edible water bottle created out of 100% biodegradable brown algae that is an environmental-friendly alternative to plastic bottles.
Water does not come from a tap. Take a look at this video to see everything that goes into making your tap water clean and safe to drink.
CSIRO finds a way to make Sydney Harbour drinkable - and it could save lives. Sydney's iconic harbour has played a starring role in the development of new CSIRO technology that could save lives around
This video is taught at the high school level. I use this PowerPoint in my biology class at Beverly Hills High School. Basic water chemistry. Topics:- Polar- High specific heat- Cohesion- Adhesion- So
Freshwater seems abundant, but when accounting for all the water on Earth, it's in limited supply. Just three percent of the water on our planet is freshwater. A majority of this water, about two perc
This video considers some of the interesting and special properties of water. It looks at hydrogen bonding and some of the fascinating and unique properties that emerge from that hydrogen bonding.
10 AWESOME WATER TRICKS! and EXPERIMENTS You didn't know before very simple and easy you can do at home like water freeze, cooking oil and water trick with food color, liquid...etc.
Water is an abundant natural chemical (that may also be referred to as a substance or compound) and consists of H2O molecules. It is a simple inorganic compound that accounts for approximately 55-60%
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This new technology enables communities to produce their own water filters using biomass nanofibers, making clean water more accessible and affordable. The world's population is projected to increase
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Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of the global population. In the third episode of Next Level season 2, Lauren Goode visits Zero Mass Water, an Arizona-based startup, that is harvesting wat
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Slow sand filtration relies on both physical and biological activity in controlling plant pathogens. In a slow sand filter, the filter bed is constructed of a medium with high surface area which can b
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A membrane is a thin layer of semi-permeable material that separates substances when a driving force is applied across the membrane. Membrane processes are increasingly used for removal of b
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To turn salt water into drinking water if you don't have a working stove, collect salt water in a bowl and place a small cup in the center of the water. Cover the larger bowl with plastic wrap and pla
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How to Make Water Purifier at Home - Easy Way
Clean Drinking Water. Is it a good idea to drink sea water if you're stranded on a desert coastline and facing dehydration? Find the answer in this video! The answer is based on the concept of Osmosis
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To a Thirsty man, a drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold. Desalination is a process that extracts mineral components from saline water. More generally, desalination refers to the removal of
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In a very dry state, turning to the sea as a source of water for drinking, bathing and irrigation has its attractions. Desalination is drought-proof - the ocean is one pond we can't empty so quickly.
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Our water nerds get a ton of questions about reverse osmosis systems because things like lead, chromium 6, and GenX contamination are gaining attention in national press. Unfortunately, this is causin
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Reverse Osmosis works by using a high pressure pump to increase the pressure on the salt side of the RO and force the water across the semi-permeable RO membrane, leaving almost all (around 95% to 99%
What water should you drink? What water source is safe? Bottled water, tap water, spring water, which source is the safest? Panel Participants: Gerald H. Pollack, Ph.D., Paul Connett, Ph.D., Brian Cle
The perception of bottled water being clean and pure is being challenged by a global investigation that found the water tested is often contaminated with tiny particles of plastic. To read more: http:
Thermotolerant faecal coliforms are indicator bacteria, which can form colonies at 44 degrees centigrade and can provide evidence of faecal contamination of water. Membrane filtration is a means of te
The process of heating a liquid mixture to form vapor and then cooling that vapor to get a liquid is called simple distillation. Distillation is used to purify a liquid by separating the components of
Ever wonder what happens inside your Brita filter? Water filtration has been around since the early 1800's but our methods have really improved with time. Watch the video to get a better understanding
These days bottled water is every where, but does that man you should be drinking it? My Quest to Survive in a Toxic World," thinks you are probably better off drinking straight from the tap. Here's w
This video offers a brief introduction into reverse osmosis, where it's used, how it works and the pros and cons of using a reverse osmosis system.
A new device the size of a coffee mug can generate drinkable water from low humidity air using nothing but sunlight.
Explaining our breakthrough desalination technology taking seawater to potable water at 1/9th the energy cost of current systems. I will explain how we did it and what the opportunity is for investors
Seawater desalination is an increasingly key solution for the scarcity of waterSeawater covers 71% of the planet surface and represents 97% of the world's water. With more than 40 years of experience,
What Veolia does. A video collection designed to simply explain, in motion graphics, the process and vocation of Veolia's activities.
Morcl?r Water Purification System
ISI-Water designed and built a NF water treatment plant for the town of Hinesburg Vermont.
So you know the benefits of a San Antonio water softening system, but you aren't sure how it works. This video explains the ion exchange process along with an animation. Please visit our web site for
Natural health expert and Mercola.com founder, Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses the need to use clean, pure water in the shower and how a high quality shower filter can help.
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Carbonated water, also known as sparkling water, club soda, and fizzy water, is a good alternative to sugary soft drinks. However, concerns have been raised that it may be bad for your health... that'
In this video I show how to make a water dispenser or water cooler. It works and made of regular stuff anyone can find at home! Super easy! Pour it with lemonade, ice tea or any other drink and enjoy!
Rated Red's Ashla Taylor tries boiling, Coleman tablets and a Sawyer squeeze system to see which leaves you with the cleanest drinking water. One stood out from the rest. Here's what it was. Which one
Ever wondered what the numbers under plastic bottles and containers mean? We explore what the SPI (Society of the Plastics Industry) code 1 to 7 refer to. Drinking from plastic bottles can have a nega
Does Salt Make You Fat? No salt does not make you fat but it taste good and encourages you to eat more. Salt also causes your body to hold on to more water which causes bloating and makes you appear f
Over the past few years in Israel, the country's water shortage has become a surplus. Through a combination of conservation, reuse and desalination, the country now has more water than it needs. And t
What happens to your single use plastic bottle when it is in our environment? How can you stop single use plastic pollution? #BeattheBottle!
We live in a world class city, so it's no surprise that our drinking water is some of the best in the world. To get it to this high quality, Sydney Water sources water from local, natural sources and
Utility Systems: City Port St Lucie Water Treatment Plant Overview
JEA sewage to drinking water project