When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure, so it's important to know and avoid some harmful everyday habits. Can drinking water when you eat actually do you any harm, or is it just a health myth? Some experts say that eating and drinking at the same time prevents you from losing weight



Can You Drink Water When You Eat?

When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure, so it's important to know and avoid some harmful everyday habits. Can drinking water when you eat actually do you any harm, or is it just a health myth? Some experts say that eating and drinking at the same time prevents you from losing weight, while others say water dilutes our stomach acid.

Let's find out what drinking simple water as you eat can actually do to you.
Some people think that drinking water while eating decreases the acidity in the stomach. So if gastric acid gets diluted, it won't be able to digest your food thoroughly enough.

The digestive process starts before you even put the fork in your mouth. When we're just thinking about our future meal, saliva starts getting secreted in the mouth. In fact, water doesn't just enter the stomach from a glass, it's also in the food you eat. For example, oranges, along with raspberries and pineapples, are 87% water. Research showed that some foods can, in fact, decrease acidity levels in the stomach, but they go back to normal really quickly.
There are lots of advantages to drinking while eating. It helps soften and break down solid food so that your body can absorb the nutrients better. Water also prevents constipation since it softens the stool.
It's been proven that drinking just 2 cups of water raises both male and female metabolic rates by 30%. And when your metabolism is increased, this gives you a much-needed boost in energy. Water helps with the absorption of nutrients. It dissolves minerals and vitamins, along with other nutrients you get from your food. Water is vital for flushing toxins out of your body through your urine and stool.


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