Water is one of a few substances we need to survive. It's a critical building block of life, so important that it is helping NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and other space-related teams determine if there is life on Mars. Taking it to a more personal level, water has five primary functions i



25 Facts About Water In The Body

Water is one of a few substances we need to survive. It's a critical building block of life, so important that it is helping NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and other space-related teams determine if there is life on Mars.

Taking it to a more personal level, water has five primary functions in our bodies: it carries essential nutrients to cells, removes waste products from our bodies, breaks down and transports nutrients in what we eat, regulates our body temperatures, and lubricates our joints. The life-giving substance still carries out many more functions in our bodies, functions which we need to survive at even a cellular level.

After all, water is used in bodily functions - from breathing and sweating to digestion and waste elimination - that are critical we consume enough to keep our machines running at their best. In fact, the water in our bodies may be the single most important factor of good health. That's why this article is devoted to all the good ways in which water interacts within and helps our bodies. To find out more, take a dive into this list of 25 Facts About Water In The Body That May Have An Impact On Your Health.


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