When you think of public infrastructure, you probably think of roads, bridges, and possibly, water towers. These often massive structures are a staple of 21st-century urban planning, they're all around us... but have you ever stopped to think about how and why they work? We can all likely understand



How Do Water Towers Work?

When you think of public infrastructure, you probably think of roads, bridges, and possibly, water towers. These often massive structures are a staple of 21st-century urban planning, they're all around us... but have you ever stopped to think about how and why they work?

We can all likely understand that water towers hold significant amounts of water high up in the sky, but their usefulness and engineering intricacies go much further than this.

Water towers and their siblings known as standpipes come in all sorts of different sizes and shapes each with roughly the same goal, to keep water networks pressured.

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