While cabbage-water may sound like a very unusual beverage to consume, surprisingly, it may be one of the best things you can do for your body. This true "superfood" is known as such thanks to its incredible medicinal properties. Why is cabbage water so beneficial? It's loaded with polyphenols, rich



5 Surprising Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Water

While cabbage-water may sound like a very unusual beverage to consume, surprisingly, it may be one of the best things you can do for your body. This true "superfood" is known as such thanks to its incredible medicinal properties.

Why is cabbage water so beneficial? It's loaded with polyphenols, rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, and iodine, as well as containing Vitamins-A, B1, B2, B6, C, K and folic-acid.
Check out these 5-uses of cabbage water.

1.As an alcohol detox
When you consume too much alcohol, it interferes with the digestive-system. If you've ever over-imbibed, you've probably experienced that horrible morning after feeling that often includes an upset-stomach, or worse. That's because alcohol destroys a large amount of good-bacteria in the gut, which can inhibit the body's ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals. Experts recommend starting out by drinking one glass of cabbage-water a day, taken in the morning on an empty-stomach, and gradually increasing that to twice each day.

2.Treat stomach ulcers
Thanks to its high level of phytonutrients, cabbage water can even treat stomach ulcers. The duodenal ulcers of patients who were fed cabbage healed in one-third the usual time. Research conducted on 45-inmates San Quentin Prison found that 93% of the ulcers in prisoners healed after taking cabbage-water concentrate in capsules for just 3-weeks. The experts believe it works by helping to strengthen the stomach lining's resistance to acid-attacks.

3.Improve your complexion
Cabbage-water can be consumed as well as used in beauty treatments to help improve your complexion, thanks to its many phytochemicals and antioxidants If you want to reduce skin pigmentation and the appearance of dark-spots, you can make your own very effective face mask using cabbage water. Simply add a tablespoon of raw honey and a pinch of turmeric to about one-quarter cup cabbage water. Then add in just enough rice flour to make a paste. Allow the paste to stand for about 10-minutes and then, using a cotton ball, apply it to darkened areas of the skin. Let it dry, and then rinse with water; pat dry and apply a moisturizer.

4.Stronger, healthier hair
The high sulfur content of cabbage water is very effective for making weak hair stronger, and even averting hair-loss. As you would for the skin, drink a glass of cabbage-water each morning, and include it in a hair-mask used externally.

5.Make a cabbage water smoothie every day to boost overall health
Just want to take advantage of all the many beneficial nutrients cabbage offers to improve your overall health? You might want to consider a daily green smoothie that includes cabbage-water. You'll not only flood your body with the nutrition it needs, but a green smoothie serves as a natural energy booster to help you get going in the morning. It also supports weight-loss, strengthens the immune-system to keep colds and other illnesses away, helps to fight disease, and is an incredibly easy way to drink a healthy breakfast on the go.

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