Recommended Intake: While the amount of water you should drink every day can vary depending on age and activity levels, the Institute of Medicine recommends men aim for 125 ounces a day and, women aim for 91 ounces, including water from foods and other non-caffeinated beverages. And as you saw in th



10 Tips to help you Drink More Clean Water

Recommended Intake: While the amount of water you should drink every day can vary depending on age and activity levels, the Institute of Medicine recommends men aim for 125 ounces a day and, women aim for 91 ounces, including water from foods and other non-caffeinated beverages. And as you saw in the video, there are lots of creative ways to make sure you get your water intake in!

Need to get more water into your day? Here are 10 easy ways to drink more water to hydrate your body and pursue your health goals.

This video was sponsored by Primo Water. The content, however, is my own

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