Have you ever wanted to have inside knowledge before you invest? What if you knew what the pros know, couldn't you make a better investment decision? Sure you could! We're sharing the secrets that water professionals know about Ultraviolet Disinfection (UV) Water systems to better prepare you



Ultraviolet UV Disinfection System Insider Buying Tips

Have you ever wanted to have inside knowledge before you invest? What if you knew what the pros know, couldn't you make a better investment decision? Sure you could! We're sharing the secrets that water professionals know about Ultraviolet Disinfection (UV) Water systems to better prepare you to invest wisely in a system to ensure safe water for your family.

Usually families invest in an Ultraviolet system when they are using well or lake water for their home or cottage. Municipal water supplies are generally bacteria free and do not require UV disinfection.
1. Deal with a water treatment company that has experience with Ultraviolet Disinfection installations to ensure you are getting the best advice. You want someone who will be there for you after the sale to answer any questions and if necessary look after any warranty issues that may come up. Big Box stores just don't have the expertise.
2. Your water's chemistry must be considered as part of the Ultraviolet Disinfection system, every UV system requires that the water is or has been pre treated within specific parameters for hardness, iron, UVT %, sediment size etc. Be sure to consult a water treatment professional if you are not 100% sure your water is compatible with any UV system you are considering.
3. Water clarity is a huge factor in determining whether a given Ultraviolet Disinfection system will work for your family. If you have discoloration in your water as it comes out of the faucet you will need to have the Ultra Violet Transmittance (UVT) of your water checked to make sure it is within spec of the Ultraviolet disinfection system you are considering.
4. Oversize the Ultraviolet Disinfection system. UV systems kill bacteria as water passes through, but every unit is sized for a certain flow rate at ideal water quality chemistry. Know the maximum flow rate your household water system can produce and then get the next larger size Ultraviolet Disinfection system. Then if you are in a situation where the water quality becomes compromised due to slight discolouration or a pre treatment equipment malfunction, the safety of you water is not compromised.
5. Think about the installation. Ideally Ultraviolet Disinfection systems are installed vertically but if this is going into a short crawl space and it won't fit, you will need to install it horizontally. Some makes can only be installed vertically. Also, the Ultraviolet Disinfection lamp will need to be replaced annually so be sure there is adequate installation space to slide the lamp straight out for replacement. Minirack UV systems that incorporate the pre treatment filters and UV into one unit are much easier and quicker to install than separate components.
6. Canadian made Ultraviolet Disinfection systems are the only ones you should consider. There are several Canadian manufacturers who all produce excellent quality products and are very stable companies. Recently a US manufacturer of UV systems went out of business making all of their products obsolete. There are UV systems being sold in Canada that are manufactured outside of the US and Canada and their reliability, replacement parts and build quality have been issues. Remember that this Ultraviolet Disinfection system will be installed in your families home, un known or poor build quality could result in a rupture and leak!
7. Make sure that you are shown that the Ultraviolet Disinfection system can be easily serviced. Whether you are changing the filters yourself or having someone else do it for you, having access to videos to educate you as to how to change the filters or do routine maintenance is a great bonus.
8. Stay away from Ultraviolet Disinfection systems that have unnecessary accessories and un-proven technologies incorporated into their design like indicator LEDs for lamp and ballast. You want a proven, reliable product that has been on the market and in customers' homes for many years so that any bugs have already been worked out. There is nothing worse than purchasing the newest technology only to find out too soon that it is unreliable, annoying, expensive to service and soon becomes obsolete.
9. Be sure you are investing in an Ultraviolet Disinfection system from an established water treatment professional and not some guy working out of his truck that is here today, but gone tomorrow. Plumbers are great at installing water treatment equipment but usually do not have the in depth knowledge about water analysis and equipment to help you make the best decision about which water treatment equipment would be best for you and Big Box stores lack the product knowledge and support you need.


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