Game-changing research for game-changing policies. When a challenging global issue-like water-is ripe for transformation through creative policies and innovative approaches, IISD's evidence-based experience can be a game-changer. To advance concrete and innovative solutions, IISD assumed management



Clean Water, for Canada, for the World

Game-changing research for game-changing policies. When a challenging global issue-like water-is ripe for transformation through creative policies and innovative approaches, IISD's evidence-based experience can be a game-changer.

To advance concrete and innovative solutions, IISD assumed management of Canada's unique Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA) in 2014. From acid rain to the effects of mercury and phosphates in our waters, this world-renowned ecosystem of 58 interconnected lakes in Northern Ontario is a living laboratory for water science that provides the backbone for practical watershed policies and freshwater science centres around the world.


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